Sunday, August 08, 2010

Where in the world have I been....?

Living life...that's where I've been! Working, cleaning, sleeping, reading, paying bills, raising and worring about my kids...
What have YOU been doin'? Probably more of the same....
RIGHT NOW WE'RE GETTIN THE THIRD CHILD, CHARLIE, READY TO GO TO COLLEGE...He's not that far away...far enogh from home to stay in the dorm. I must confess, I feel a little jealous....never went to college. I feel like I've missed something important...I am so glad he isn't. I really wish I had the money to send ALL my children to college and my husband. He had to quit college when his Dad got sick...before I met him.
Gotta get ready for Monday....back to work day. I think we should start our workweek with Tuesday. But before long...we would be dreading Tuesday as much as we do Monday!!! and so and so on......
I could reallyyyy use a beach vacation right about now!!!!! Please!!!!!!